There are 4 wealth killers for business owners of a $1M - $10M company:

Thinking “more money” is the solution to every problem
Thinking there’s a “right answer” to every question you ask
Not recognizing that EVERY decision you make is a financial decision
Not ensuring you only make bets with asymmetric upside
You will violate all of these at some point during your journey as a business owner.

But one of these killers... you’re susceptible to very often.

Like, daily.

Multiple times per day, even.

Take your wealth type™ assessment
And for each of the thousands of businesses I’ve looked at in my decades as one of the best financial analysts in the world...

I’ve seen hundreds-of-thousands to millions of dollars lost...

Every time...

Because of your susceptibility to one of these killers.

Image of Dan Nicholson holding a copy of Rigging the Game book.
The good news?

Your Wealth Type ™ will tell you which killer you’re most susceptible to.

And -- most importantly -- what to do about it.

So you don’t just avoid the pitfalls that strangle your cash flow and make bringing home a profit feel damn near impossible...

But so you also begin to achieve unprecedented financial wellness in your business and in turn, life;

Which will let you enjoy:*

High, predictable cash flow that enables resourcing, scaling, and investment

The END of large revenue months that never seems to materialize to profit in your bank account (In other words, you actually start bringing your money home)

Paying the minimal amount of taxes legally

Getting what you really want: more time, more power, more impact

*Note: these outcomes are culled from the real results I’ve been able to help people achieve in my financial services practice & financial education platforms. Not puffy, fluffy theory, but what actually works.

You’ll discover your Wealth Type ™ by answering just 15 simple questions.

This’ll generate your custom report — revealing which killer you’re susceptible to, and exactly what to do about it.

Console controller
$3M Tax Liability Flips Into $200K Credit For A Video Game Company
Physical therapy clinic
$400K Debt & Profitable Exit Accomplished in 9 Months for Physical Therapy Business
Spa salon
High-End Spa More Than Doubles Valuation, Avoids $500K In Tax Penalties, And Enjoys Handsome Exit
Ice hockey rink
Youth Sports Business Acquires $3,000,000 Hockey Rink With No Money Spent And No Debt Incurred

Your Wealth Type ™ Assessment is totally free and actually valuable.

Stalling for another day, continuing to operate your business WITHOUT this custom information (which you can glean for yourself in about two minutes from now)…

Is simply a poor decision that will cost you.

Instead, take a step towards getting what you truly want.

Complete your Wealth Type™ Assessment right now.

Take your wealth type™ assessment